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Why Tarvent?

With so many email marketing and marketing automation platforms available, what makes Tarvent standout above the rest? (This is the part we love)
Create campaigns that look great every time!
Our drag-and-drop editor makes creating great looking campaigns easy, even if your images are too big for the email. Tarvent doesn’t let that ruin your emails in Outlook or other email clients.
Campaign - Drag and drop editor
Reports - Engagement score
A single campaign score that tells the whole story
Our engagement score, based on various campaign activity, makes it easy to see how well your campaign did based on industry standards.
Automate your marketing and scale to new heights
Create welcome series or advanced workflows based on events, conditions, and flow controls to provide a personalized experience for each contact that drives a greater ROI.
Automation - Journey builder
Automation - Journey flow report
Identify the most popular Journey path and optimize
Get a clear understanding of how your contacts are traveling through your journey. Identify the most popular path, steps that may be causing contacts to leave a journey, and more.
Visualize your marketing frequency and schedule
The campaigns calendar provides clarity to your marketing rhythm and campaign scheduling. Quickly identify gaps and ensure you’re always at the top of mind of your contacts.
Campaign Calendar
Multiple sign up forms, landing page, and surveys
Build forms specific to your brand, product, service, ads, and more while funneling all data into a single audience that can leverage automations.
Templates for campaigns and transactional email
Use our drag-and-drop or code-your-own editors to make 100% custom templates for campaigns, Journey email, and transactional email. If brand consistency is a must, templates are the answer!
Transactional email - Editor with transaction variables
We love playing nice with others. Let’s integrate!
Our extensive Zapier and Make (Integromat) integrations allow endless integration options. More advance integrations can be done using our GraphQL-based API, which powers 100% of our platform. We can also build, host. and manage a custom integration to your exact specification. Yes, that was a mouthful!
Transaction Email - Advanced reporting
Transactional email in fully integrated from inception
Enable any application to send email through our robust API. Get detailed reporting similar to our campaign report as well as integrate transactional email into Journeys, audiences, surveys, suppression rules, and more.
What can I do with Tarvent:
Used by global businesses to get automation that they can trust
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